RQI Proposal Form

Please use this link to submit a research or quality improvement proposal: https://umiami.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_38iEKzqqnV3GRKZ

The purpose of RQI in this capacity is to screen projects for feasibility and actionable outcomes that support the mission of DOCS. Feasibility in this context relates to the research plan (i.e. does the data exist already, and if not, will acquiring data interrupt services provided at the health fairs?). Actionable outcomes in this context relate to the meaning of the research, and how that research will help our patients or DOCS as a whole. Students must demonstrate a significant gain to patients or operations through any proposed research. Lastly, research within DOCS and with our patients is for internal purposes only, and should not be designed for outside publication.

RQI will review the proposal and respond as soon as possible. If approved, RQI will help connect inquiring students with the teams they’ll need to work with to accomplish their project objectives. If the proposed research question is already being worked on by DOCS, then RQI may point interested students in that direction to help with current efforts.

Please refer to the DOCS Scholarly Work Protocol regarding the procedures in initiating and conducting RQI efforts in DOCS: https://miami.box.com/s/tzu688l2gnyz0dxboybbv625ui3w0j5n

Any questions can be directed to the student RQI Director at DOCS-RQI@listserv.miami.edu.